Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Scenes from a Library - "You Remind Me Of" edition

Middle aged female patron:  "You look like my ex-husband's current wife.  Her name is Janice."
Younger female library staffer (NOT named Janice): " ..."

Monday, March 10, 2014

Scenes from a Library

Bibliothecary will now present a few library vignettes from a compatriot of mine who works in an academic library.   This may become an occasional blog feature.

Scenes From A Library 

* "Do you have any ipads I can check out?  'Cause my computer just got drenched in f*ckin' Cherry Coke." 

* Patron:  Do y'all have any color scanners?
   Library employee: Yes, what do you need to scan?
   Patron:  Well, I got arrested in New York last weekend and ... 
   Library employee:  3rd floor.

* If you have a question for people working on a service desk, it's a good idea to take the straw out of your mouth when asking said question. 

* A guy who looks to be 50-ish,  approaches the desk:
Him: "Hey, I've got this song in my head, let me sing it:   OOOOOO-Double Vision!  Who sings that     song?"
Library employee:  "Foreigner."

Friday, March 7, 2014

Unintentional hilarity

Today a "Puppy Place" book was returned to us damaged.

The patron was very kind and cooperative and paid for it, which was much appreciated.

What cracked me up was that the damage to said book was caused by ... a puppy.  (Named Bashful, no less.)


Doggie damaged book
Said puppy must have objected to the book in some way.

Doggie damage close-up # 1

Doggie damage close-up # 2
It's sad that the book was damaged, but the inherent humorousness of the circumstance amused me very much!