Sunday, December 29, 2013

Library Holiday Fun

It has been a while since my last post,  holiday busy-ness both at work and at home has superseded library blogging!

We had a busy holiday season at my library this December, people came in en masse to get books to take on vacation with them, audiobooks to take on long car trips,  DVDs to keep the kiddos occupied etc.   It seems libraries cannot have too many holiday themed items in their collections.   Fortunately, publishers are happy to oblige with more and more each year.  

For example, this cute little picture book was published in 2012:

In this book with retro-cartoon illustrations, we learn that even Santa gets the post-holiday blues sometimes.  It reminds us that it is important to keep Christmas spirit throughout the year.  You can read more about Sad Santa at his official website:

This has also been a busy time for presents from library patrons.   Staff received many cards and delicious edible goodies to share this year.   Witness this photo I took on my last day before break:
The break room was full of delicious foods - the pile of schwag actually got larger about a half hour after I took this photo on the 20th of December
In spite of some of the craziness we deal with, it's nice to know that many patrons really do appreciate us!

On the other hand, the hazard of closing for more than a day or two is that this happens to the book drop:

Books extracted from the book drop on December 26th

And this:

Books and DVDs

And this:

More library materials (DVDs, audiobooks and MORE books) 

Needless to say, a lot of time was spent checking in books and DVDs on December 26th!

We also received an amusing "found in a book" item (this time, I think, left on purpose) :

Note from patron (with name obscured)
In one of our books was a note that read:  "I know I owe $ will come back Thursday."   (They did come in and pay their - tiny - fine!)

It's nice to know we're needed, methinks.

1 comment:

  1. It's good to see people enjoying and appreciating libraries and librarians.
