Thursday, November 21, 2013

Books for all seasons

Library books go on adventures.    They come back sandy from the beach.  Depending on the season, they come back super hot or super cold from time spent in people's cars.   Sometimes they come back a bit rainy or snowy.

Sometimes we even learn that they are extremely well-traveled - books go to Paris or the Bahamas and various other exotic locales.  (Patrons sometimes share this info with us.    Personally, if it was me, I wouldn't be particularly comfortable bringing a book that was not my own out of the country.)  I've even had a patron pay for a book because it was lost over the side of a cruise ship while at sea.  (Hey, at least they were honest about it!)

Things happen, I totally understand this.  

However,  books that are returned to the library in a state of extreme dampness on a cloudless, sunny day are ... cause for concern.  They make me want to wash my hands, a LOT, when I encounter them.  

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